What is Pastoralism?
- Pastoralism is a form of livelihood as well as a cultural & social system based on livestock (cattle, sheep, goats and/or camels) and different levels of mobility.
- The production and subsistence systems are often combined with other livelihood strategies (e.g. agriculture).
Where are pastoralists in Africa located?
Source: UNDP 2007, Armed violence in african pastoralist communities
The importance of pastoralism:
- approx. 25 mio. pastoralists in africa
- approx. 240 mio. agro-pastoralists in africa
- approx. 60% of the production of meat in africa
- approx. 30% of the gdp in many african countries
- Pastoralists are marginalized in most of the african countries.
Challenges pastoralists face:
Their living space and natural resource base are diminishing due to…
- expanding settlements
- mechanized & irrigated farms
- established political borders between african countries
- increasing population density
- establishment of nature reserves
- increasing competition over water and vegetation
- climate change
- increasing aridity
- desertification
- political, social & economic marginalization
Consequences of marginalization:
- decreased access to water
- pressure on natural resources
- overuse of ecosystems
- overgrazing
- poorly fed livestock
- increasing number of livestock
- low productivity
- impoverishment, hunger
- migration
- violent conflicts