Sunarpa acts under the following frameworks, partnerships, strategies and agreements:
Joint African Union (AU) & European Union’s (EU) Strategy for Africa
- focusing on peace and security, regional integration, the Millennium Development Goals, democratic governance and human rights, climate change, sustainable land management, desertification
African Union’s (AU) programme: New Partnership for African’s Development (NEPAD) Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA)
- programme cluster II is focusing on energy, water and desertification
African Union’s (AU) Strategic Science and Technology Development Programme
- aiming to contribute to the wellbeing and improved quality of life for African citizens and to understand science as a tool for sustainable development
African Union (AU) Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa
- The AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism calls governments and all development actors to support pastoralism and to provide a pastoralist friendly environment.
African Union (AU) Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy in Africa
- The AU Land Policy Framework goals is to strengthening land rights, enhancing productivity and securing livelihoods for the majority of the continent’s population. Protecting natural resources like grasslands and pastoral ecosystems is an integral part of this framework.
African Water Facility by the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)
- aims to mobilize resources to finance water resources development activities in Africa.
Africa Water Vision 2025 by the United Nations Economic Commision for Africa
- aims to ensure water security and sustainable access to water.
Nile Basin Initiative by the Nile Council of Ministers
- focuses on sustainable management of the shared water resources and the Niger River Basin Authority promotes integrated water resources management.
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance
- Conflict Prevention Framework
- Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Establishment
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
- regional Strategy on Environment and Natural Resources
- regional Peace and Security Strategy
- CEWARN (the Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Mechanism)